Parent Resources

Information and Advice on Children’s Health


Children grow so quickly. From birth to adolescence, parents have numerous questions and concerns about their child’s development, nutrition, learning habits, safety, etc… In addition, each child is an individual with different needs and expectations. At Pediatric Associates of Lewiston, we believe in educating parents and providing as many resources as possible so you can be informed and proactive concerning the healthcare of your child(ren). If you click on our Online Resources page, we have provided a list of comprehensive and legitimate websites for you to use to research any topic of your choosing. We have information about the Top 5 illnesses that we treat at this practice. We have information about Nutrition and Formula, Growth and Development, Acetaminophen Dosing, Ibuprofen Dosing, Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Dosing, our Immunization Schedule, and Car Safety Seats for you to peruse as well.

If you do not find the answers you need on this website and your child is a patient of Pediatric Associates, you are welcome to call us at (207­) 784-5782. Please click on About Us for our office hours.